Friday, March 4, 2011

Open Letter to the Gentleman in the Sweaty Wifebeater at Yoga

If you've been reading my blog, you know that I love my hot yoga classes, and at times I feel the need to vent about manners/style (or lack thereof) at yoga classes.  This is one of those times.
Dear 30-something in the Sweaty Wifebeater:
I'm not sure if this was your first time at hot yoga class or not (you didn't look familiar to me but I don't always go to the same classes each week), but I need to let you know that your tank-top undershirt, which I would assume you'd been wearing all day as a first layer under your clothes, isn't appropriate for yoga class.  You may be surprised at my lack of appreciate for your choice in athletic wear, but it's a pretty clear-cut case to me of mistakenly wearing one's underwear to exercise in.
1.  Wifebeaters, when they get sweaty, tend to become see-through, if not almost completely one wants to see that unless your are in absolutely fantastic shape...and even then, it's a maybe.
2.  A garment that you've been wearing all day next to your skin tends to take on a certain aroma; combine that with a room heated to 114 degrees filled with other sweaty people, and you become a complete stink bomb.
The fact that the gentleman in question was right behind me for 90 minutes, heavily mouth-breathing and groaning with pain didn't help either.  But, the relaxing benefits of my yoga class are still with me, so I shall just say, Namaste.

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog thru twitter. I was surprised by how many of your observations are exactly what I was thinking! I'll be floating back to read occasionally. :)
