Monday, June 13, 2011

Again with the Slippers???

I can remember being mortified as a teenager when I would go to the grocery store with my Dad and notice once we were already there that he was wearing slippers.  "Dad, why didn't you change into shoes?  This is sooooo embarassing," I would wail.  He would just shrug his shoulders and respond with "What's the big deal, Jennifer?  At least these look like shoes....sort of...".  Looking back, he was right, his slippers did pretty much look like shoes, and they were hard-soled, so fairly appropriate for walking out of the house.  The slippers I see people walking around in now?  Not so much appropriate.  They are fuzzy, often-times in the shapes of animals, and definitely don't have hard soles (which just seems gross, especially in this town where it's so often damp).  Now this trend often goes hand in hand with the people who are also apparently just wearing their pajama bottoms out and about (see previous posts) but I've also witnessed this phenomena where people are wearing a fairly typical outfit and then have topped it off with slippers.  Don't get me wrong, I like to wear slippers, they're very comfy and snuggly...when you are at home!  Out in public?  That seems very strange to me, particularly when you think that most of them don't have soles so I would think they would become very uncomfortable after a fairly short amount of time.  Oh well, I'm sure there's more to come in the world of slipper-wear...perhaps stiletto slippers?  Or hiking boot slippers?
And Happy Father's Day, Dad...I miss you every day.

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