Monday, February 14, 2011

Over the Mountains and through the Woods...

If you are a native Washingtonian, and especially one who has grown up on the west side of the Cascades, you are probably aware of the great divide between Puget Sound style and the style of our Eastern comrades.  Having just spent a little more than 48 hours in the vicinity of Leavenworth (which is, I know, just barely over the mountains) I did pick up on a distinct change in the style over there. First thing to note: Reeboks.  They're everywhere, and not current Reeboks, but the Reeboks that I remember from middle school (white leather anyone?).  Another thing to note:  if it's pushing freezing levels outside, and you feel like taking your toddler out for a walk with the stroller, by all means, get dressed up!  I did an absolute double-take when we arrived in Leavenworth and saw two youngish moms pushing their babies along the main drag all dolled up...I felt like I was in some weird Bavarian red-light district (and not in a good way...).  Don't get me wrong, I love Eastern Washington, it has been a summer destination for my family and friends for most of my lifetime, after all, where are all of us pale-faced, rain-soaked Western Washingtonians going to go to dry out and warm up?

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