Sunday, February 13, 2011

Public Bathrooms aren't Private...Or Have I Missed Something?

Do you ever feel as if public restrooms have turned into some people's private salons?  More and more often when I enter the restroom at my office (which is down the hall and shared with the other businesses that are on our floor) there are one or two people huddled near the sinks talking (sometimes in hushed tones, but often in 'normal' tones) about anything and everything.  I'm left feeling as if I've interrupted them (I haven't, remember this is in a public bathroom!), and now they're going to be able to hear me doing my business (and I have a shy bladder so when I know people can hear get the picture).  I've walked in on people talking on their cellphones in the restroom too, and it's equally as awkward; I mean, would you want the person on the other end of the call to know that you're in a public restroom talking to them?  That's not how I like to picture the people I'm talking to when I'm on the phone.  It seems to me that there are a plethora of other places people can go if they want to speak in private....and the public restroom isn't one of them...especially if I'm in it!

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