Thursday, January 20, 2011

Just Button it Up...Man

I am becoming increasingly aware that there are a growing number of gentlemen who insist on wearing their dress shirts with an additional button unbuttoned. IT LOOKS WRONG. There's really no other way of putting it. I find that in my observations most of these gents are in their upper 50's or early 60's, so my thought is that they are still recovering from the 70's era disco styles, and are slowly working their way into buttoning up their shirts to a proper look. And when you think about it, it makes sense: in the 70's, they probably had their shiny, satiny, blousy ensembles unbuttoned to their navels, chest hair blowing in the wind, the sound of gold chains rattling away as they boogie-oogie-oogied their way across the dance floor. In the 80's, they buttoned up one or two, put on their Hugo Boss suit and pondered the immortal words of Gordon Gecko. As the 80's became the 90's, they probably buttoned one more, traded in the dress shirt for flannel, threw a thermal undershirt on as a base layer (remember these were the 'grunge years'), and felt like they were 'with it'. Then you have the new millennium, and I almost think that the buttoning went backwards (maybe a binary glitch with the turnover to '00?) and they unbuttoned again, because now in 2011, I am still seeing men with their dress shirts opened up to a degree that seems off-putting....maybe in the 20's we'll get some standards back.

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